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Kurator'in für: Europa Volk und Wirtschaft
Jahrgang 1953
Studium der Elektrotechnik und Elektronik
Forschung / Lehre auf dem Gebiet der Wissenschafts- und Innovationstheorie
Entwicklung von Forschungsprogrammen im IKT-Sektor für verschiedene Bundesministerien und Begleitung der Programme und Projekte - darunter Smart Energy, Elektromobilität, netzbasiertes Lernen, Industrie 4.0
Nun im Un-Ruhestand
Die alten Römer trieben es wild - wissen wir u.a. von den Fresken in Pompeji oder in Herculaneum. Cesar gar galt als ‘Every woman’s man and every man’s woman.’ Aber:
Like many premodern societies, the Romans rarely if ever identified people by their sexuality, at least not in terms of what gender their sexual partners were. To be sure, they had categories for types of sexual activities, but not for the sexual identities we use today. The terms ‘homosexual’, ‘heterosexual’, ‘bisexual’ and so on are modern inventions. There is no evidence for the existence of the concepts themselves, and Romans didn’t define people by the gender of their sexual partners.
Wichtig war wohl die Penetration - ohne diese galt es nicht als Sex. Ansonsten war man offen - so dieser Interessante Artikel über die normativen Ideen zur Sexualität im römischen Imperium.
It shows that many common assumptions about sexuality and power are indeed just assumptions – that heterosexuality and military prowess don’t automatically go together, and that hypersexuality doesn’t necessarily make someone manly and powerful. What we are too often taught to think of as ‘natural’ is, in fact, dependent on the societal values of a particular time and place, and what is obviously ‘true’ in one culture is just as obviously unthinkable in another. This can be a liberating realisation: if these basic connections between sexuality, masculinity and power aren’t inherent, then they can be changed – we can, in fact, choose for ourselves how we shape our ideas about gender and sexuality, today and in the future.
Quelle: Aven McMaster EN
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